


項目 項目
H H 形鋼[H-shaped steel]
H 株 H 氏賞
H ビーム[H beam] H-1 ロケット[H-1 launch vehicle]
H-2 ロケット[H-2 launch vehicle] h
HA1[Hawaiian Airlines] HA2[hepatitis A]
HA3[(和) home+automation] ha[hectare]
HABITAT(ハビタ)[habitation] HACCP(ハセップ)[hazard analysis and critical control point of evaluation]
HAI[Republic of Haiti] HAIR[highway advisory information radio]
HAM[Hamburg] HAMAS(ハマース)[(アラビア)Harakat al-muqaqama al-islamiyya]
hANP[human atrial natriuretic polypeptide] HATS[Promotion Committee of the Harmonization of Advanced Telecommunication Systems]
HB1[halfback] HB2[hard and black]
HB3[hepatitis B] HB4[home banking]
HB 法[horizontal Bridgeman method] HBC[health and beauty care]
HBO 療法[hyperbaric oxygen therapy] H-bomb[hydrogen bomb]
HBS1[Harvard Business School] HBS2[home bus system]
HBV[hepatitis B virus] HC[hydrocarbon]
HCFC[hydrochlorofluorocarbons] HCH[hexachlorocyclohexane]
HD[hemodialysis] HDCG[high definition computer graphics]
HDD[hard disk drive] HDI[Human Development Index]
HDL[high-density lipoprotein] HDLC[high-level data link control procedure]
HDPE[high-density polyethylene] HDTV[high-definition television]
HDW, hdw[hardware] HE1[home electronics]
HE2[human engineering] He[helium]
HEAO[High-Energy Astronomy Observatory] HEIB(ヒーブ)[home economist in business]
HEL1[helicopter] HEL2[Helsinki]
HELP[House in Emergency of Love and Peace] HEMT(ヘムト)[high electron mobility transistor]
HEPA フィルター[high-efficiency particulate air filter] HF[high frequency]
Hf[hafnium] HFC[hydrofluorocarbon]
HFSP[human frontier science program] Hg[(ラ) Hydrargyrum]
HGF[hepatocyte growth factor] HGH[human growth hormone]
HID ランプ[high-intensity discharge lamps] hi-fi[high fidelity]
HIJ[Hiroshima] HIV[human immunodeficiency virus]
HK[Hong Kong] HKD[Hong Kong Dollar]
HKG[Hong Kong] HKMA[Hong Kong Monetary Authority]
HKT[Phuket] HLA 抗原[human leukocyte antigen]
.hlp[help] HMD[head mounted display]
HMR[home-meal replacement] HN[Republic of Honduras]
HND[Haneda] HNL[Honolulu]
HNPCC[hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer] HNS[host nation support]
Ho[holmium] HON[Republic of Honduras]
HOPE(ホープ)[H-2 orbiting plane] HP1[home page]
HP2[horsepower] HP シェル[hyperbolic shell]
hPa[hectopascal] HPAES[high performing Asian economies]
HPCC 計画[High Performance Computing and Communications] HPLC[high-performance liquid chromatography]
HQ, hq.[headquarters] .hqx
HR1[House of Representatives] HR2[human relations]
HR3[Republic of Croatia] HR 図[Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram]
hr.[hour] HRAF(フラフ)[Human Relations Area Files]
HRT[hormone replacement therapy] HS[Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System]
HSP[heat shock protein] HSST[high speed surface transport]
HST[Hubble space telescope] HT[Republic of Haiti]
HTLV[human T-cell leukemia virus] .htm[hyper text markup language]
HTML[hyper text markup language] .html[hyper text markup language]
http[hyper text transfer protocol] HU[Republic of Hungary]
HUAC[House Un-American Activities Committee] HUD[Department of Housing and Urban Development]
HUGO(ヒューゴ)[Human Genome Organization] HUMINT(ヒューミント)[human intelligence]
HUN[Republic of Hungary] HUS[hemolytic ureic syndrome]
HV[hybrid vehicle] HVG 反応[host-versus-graft reaction]
HVJ[hemagglutinating virus of Japan] HW[hardware]
HWR[heavy water reactor] HYFLEX[Hypersonic Flight Experiment]
Hz[(ド) Hertz]